Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Linux Editor with Find/Replace by Regex
If you Search for a Linux Editor with a Good Find/Replace Capability Look Here Below for Insight.
I Googled Around without to Find an Easy Answer to this Request so Now I tell You How-to Do.
The How-to Find Linux Editor with Good Regex is Contained Here:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Linux How-to Run a Gui Application As SuperUser
This Post Show How-to Run from Linux Terminal a GUI Application with SuperUser/Root Privileges.
In Fact a GUI Application Require a Different Starting Approach Than a Simple Console Tool.
- Open a Terminal Window
- Execute in Terminal this Type of Command:
gksudo applicationName
Example to Extract Archive Content into a Privileged Location with Gnome Archive Manager you Run:
gksudo file-roller
Friday, May 11, 2012
Fedora not find/missing grub.conf
This Post is a Troubleshooting useful if you Can Not Find the grub.conf file on Fedora.
The Problem Depend from the Fact that the grub.conf File in Fedora is Not in the Default Location inside /boot/grub Folder.
Try to Look For the grub.conf Inside the /etc Folder you Should Find It Placed there.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Linux How-to Find/Look-Up the Application Path
- Open a Terminal Window
- Execute this Simple Command on the Console
which <applicationName>
If the Application is Correctly Installed and you Inserted the Right Executable-Application Name Will Find the Path into the Output.
KDE4 How-to Create Application Launcher on KDE Main Menu
The Guide Show Simply & Visually Step-by-Step How-to Create an Application Launcher in Linux KDE4 Desktop.
After to Make a KDE Desktop Launcher from the Menu Launcher will be As Easy As Dragging and Dropping the Launcher from Menu to Desktop :)
The Same Process is Valid on All Distros Shipping the KDE 4 Desktop Environment.
The Post Contains All the Screenshots of the Entire Process.
- Right Click on KickOff >> Edit Applications
- Select the Launcher Category and Make a New Item
- Set New App Launcher Name
- Click Top-Right on Icon Space and Select the App Launcher Icon
Now if you Do Not Find Icon Look:
Linux How-to Locate File/Icons - Fill-In Launcher Data and Save
- New App Launcher on KDE4 Main Menu
Get Installed Google-Chrome Browser for Linux:
The Video about How-to Create a KDE Desktop Launcher is on Youtube at: Youtube Visual Guide on Create KDE4 Desktop Launcher
Drupal Website DevelopmentSunday, May 6, 2012
RPM How-to Remove Circular Dependents Packages
In other Words this Post Show How-to Use rpm for Removing Mutually Dependents Packages.
- Open a Terminal Window
- This is the General Form of the Command:
rpm -ev <package1>.rpm ... <packageN>.rpm
For Example to Remove 2 Mutually Dependents Packages:
rpm -ev device-mapper.rpm device-mapper-event.rpm
Monday, April 23, 2012
Unix How-to Install VMWare Tools on FreeBSD 9
Here Below is the Link to Content.
Joomla Website Development
Friday, April 13, 2012
Installing the VMWare Tools on Rosa Linux Troubleshooting
uname -rs
After There are At Least Two Different Ways for Installing the Kernel-Devel Package on a Mandriva like System:
- Finding the Rpm Source and Executing on Root Terminal:
urpmi http://remote/Path/To/kernel-desktop-devel-xxx.rpm
- Downloading the Rpm and Installing it:
wget -P /tmp http://remote/Path/To/kernel-desktop-devel-xxx.rpm
cd /tmp
rpm -ivh kernel-devel-xxx.rpm
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Rosa Linux How-to Seup Mandriva Backports
This short Guide will show you How to Setup the Repository on a Vanilla Installation of Rosa Marathon 12 Linux.
This Correspond to the Setup of Mandriva Backports for Rosa Marathon Linux 12 for 32 and 64 bit Systems.
Rosa Marathon 12 Linux i586 32bit
- Open a Root Terminal Window
- Execute this Command's Sequence to Setup the Repo:
urpmi.removemedia -a
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-main32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-main32-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-contrib32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-contrib32-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-nonfree32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-nonfree32-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-restricted32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-restricted32-updates --update
Rosa Marathon 12 Linux x86_64 64bit
- Open a Root Terminal Window
- Execute this Command's Sequence to Setup the Repo:
urpmi.removemedia -a
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-main64-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-main64-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-contrib64-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-contrib64-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-nonfree64-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-nonfree64-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-restricted64-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-restricted64-updates --update
# Compatibility 32bit repository urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-main32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-main32-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-contrib32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-contrib32-updates --update
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-restricted32-release
urpmi.addmedia rosa2012lts-restricted32-updates --update
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Linux How to Make a Perfect Copy of Usb Key Into an Iso Image
This Guide will show you how to Make a Perfect Copy of a Usb Stick Into an Iso Image.
All procedure is Explained ins a Simple Step-by-Step Way.
- Open a Terminal Window:
- Gnome:
Accessories >> Root Terminal
- KDE:
Applications >> System >> Terminal
- Gnome:
- Access the Devices Holding Directory:
cd /dev
Your Usb Key will be located Between the sdXN Entries on the Devices Directory.
- To Find it you simply Make a 2 Steps Check
- With your Key Plugged-In Execute:
Look at all Entries beginning by sd in the Directory Listing
- Unplug the Usb Drive and Repeat the Same Command Again Now you will Find Some Missing Entries in the Devices Directory Take Note of the Missing sdX Entries because between them there is the Target!
- With your Key Plugged-In Execute:
- Plugin the Usb Key Again and Try to Execute
dd if=/dev/sdXN of=/tmp/usbCopy.iso
Substitute the X with your First Target Parameter and N with the Number Associated
I mean, the Target Partition Label is Ending by a Number.
Before to leave...
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Monday, March 5, 2012
Linux sudo Error "is not in the sudoers file"
This is the Simple little Guide to Overcome this little Barrier :)
- Open a Terminal Window:
- Gnome:
Accessories >> Root Terminal
- KDE:
Applications >> System >> Terminal
- Gnome:
- Login as the SuperUser:
- Execute this Command:
- Enter this line under the Section Beginning for:
# Username privilege specification
yourUserName ALL=(ALL) ALL
You need to Substitute yourUserName with your User Name :)
- Save and Exit by:
Last... this
Bloogger Blogger, Google Blogger, Google Google
Others Tuts
You are Done and Can Finally Execute a sudo Command :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Linux How to Create/Make Iso Copy of CD/DVD
This wOw-Tip is Intended to Describe the Easiest Solution available for:
"How to Make a Copy of a Media in Linux."
The Same Technique is Valid both for DVD and CD Media...
The little Steps necessary to Achieve this Result are the Following one:
- Open a Terminal Window:
- You need to be Sure your Media is Not Mouted On...
To Unmount your Media Execute:
umount cdrom0
- Now you are Ready to Make a Copy of your Media:
The Right Command contain the Insight of the Device Used...
- If your CD/DVD is on the First Media Device Execute:
dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/tmp/mediaCopy.iso
- If your CD/DVD is on the Second Media Device Execute:
Check... this
Bloogger Blogger, Google Blogger, Google Google
Others Tuts
dd if=/dev/sr1 of=/tmp/mediaCopy.iso